ASOCIACIÓN ASOBRIS [organic] filter roast

ASOBRIS is super~sweet & creamy with flavours of Luisa plum & blueberry.

Roasted 13 JAN 2025

    About the farmer(s)

    ASOCIACIÓN ASOBRIS [organic] — Colombia

    The coffee was produced by the 42 members of ASOBRIS [Asociación de Productores Agrícolas Ecológicos y Pecuarios Brisas del Quebradon]. The cooperative was formed in 2014 by 14 farmers under the leadership of Sr. Ferney Echeverry & Srta. Betty Naranjo. The cooperative has invested in better roads, warehouses, training & offers micro-credit.

    Each farmer has their own micro-mill, taking care of harvesting, sorting, de-pulping, fermenting, washing & drying their coffee. The dry-milling is taken care of by an export company.

    • region Tolima
    • farm/farmer 42 Association members
    • altitude 1500–1800m
    • crop 2024
    • cultivar Caturra, V. Colombia, Castillo, Typica
    • process Washed

    This lot is a mix of Caturra, V. Colombia, Castillo & Typica. Caturra is a mutation of Bourbon discovered in Brasil in 1937. The plant is a dwarf so it can be planted close together resulting in more production per hectare. Caturra has good flavour characteristics but is susceptible to disease. Castillo, developed by CENICAFE [the Colombian coffee research facility] & released in 2005. It was bred from Caturra & Hybrido de Timor. It is highly resistant to disease & is now the most planted cultivar in Colombia. V. Colombia was bred from Catimor in 1985 it is highly resistant to disease & has good productivity. Typica is the oldest variety of Coffea Arabica & the parent of many modern coffee varieties. It can grow up to 5 meters in height. Typica is not particularly productive.