DANSE MORMORA [natural] filter roast

Roasted 27 MAR 2025

About the farmer(s)

Danse Mormora Natural — Ethiopia

Mormora is a large 200 hectare coffee estate. There are three washing stations on the property. As well as their own coffee, Mormora also process the coffee from around 650 small-holder farmers. This 'Danse' lot is is from the small-holder farmers.

  • region Guji
  • farm/farmer Small holder farmers
  • altitude 2100–2310m
  • crop 2023-24
  • cultivar Bourbon
  • process Natural

This lot is rather unusual as the varietal isn't Ethiopia Landrace as in 99% of coffee grown in Ethiopia but Bourbon, a natural mutation of Typica originating from La Réunion, formerly known as Île Bourbon. Cherries can be either red, yellow, orange or pink when ripe. Bourbon is 1/3rd more productive than Typica.