DARA [natural] Espresso

Roasted 10 JAN 2025

About the farmer(s)

Dara Natural — Ethiopia

This coffee is cultivated in Sidamo Dara, its soil is fertile and climate conditions are perfect for growing exceptional coffee.

The dry processing station is 2.8 hectares with 200 drying beds, the coffee sourced from small-holder farmers who grow heirloom coffees near the station area.

This coffee is naturally processed, which means that the ripe cherry is left to dry with all of its skin and mucilage attached. The coffee is sun-dried for 10-20 days until it achieves the ideal moisture content. This results in a sweeter and fruitier cup profile.

After the cherries have drid to the desired moisture level, they are stored in a cool place for a few weeks. This resting period helps to develop the flavors within the beans. Once the resting period is complete, the dried cherries are hulled to remove the dried outer skin and pulp.

  • region Sidama
  • farm/farmer Small-Holder Farmers
  • altitude 1900-2220m
  • crop 2024
  • cultivar 74110, 74112
  • process Natural

74110 and 74112 are sub-varieties of the Ethiopian Land-Race coffee varietal, developed in the 70's at the Jimma Agricultural Research Center (JARC) for resistance to the coffee berry disease. The prefix '74' indicates that the selection and cataloguing occurred in 1974.

Brew guide

This is a light espresso roast. Roasted to bring out the fruity flavours of the coffee. This style of roast is best suited for black espresso based drinks. That said, you can still make a tasty flat white out of this roast.

  1. Black

    • dose 18g
    • Brew weight 40-45g
    • Brew time 25-30 seconds
  2. White

    • dose 18g
    • Brew weight 27-36g
    • Brew time 30 seconds

For any help on coffee brewing of all methods i.e. espresso, plunger etc fire an email through to espresso@rocketcoffee.co.nz