Jairo Arcila Caturra [washed] espresso

Roasted 18 JUN 2024

About the farmer(s)

Jairo Arcila Caturra [washed] — Colombia

This coffee was grown by Jairo at his farm Santa Monica. The cherries from these Caturra shrubs were hand-picked at optimum ripeness, then transported on the same day to "La Pradera" [a mill owned by Jairo's son Carlos] for processing. The coffee cherries were floated and hand-sorted to remove any defects, followed by 30 hours of underwater fermentation before being de-pulped. The coffee was then washed & then dried in temperature controlled conditions until the moisture reduced to 11%.

  • region Armenia, Quibdio
  • farm/farmer Santa Monica
  • altitude 1450-1500 Meters
  • crop 2023
  • cultivar Caturra
  • process washed

This lot is 100% Caturra, a mutation of Bourbon discovered in Brasil in 1937. The plant is a dwarf so it can be planted close together resulting in more production per hectare. Caturra has good flavour characteristics but is susceptible to disease.

Brew guide

This is a light espresso roast. Roasted to bring out the fruity flavours of the coffee. This style of roast is best suited for black espresso based drinks. That said, you can still make a tasty flat white out of this roast.

  1. Black

    • dose 18g
    • Brew weight 40-45g
    • Brew time 25-30 seconds
  2. White

    • dose 18g
    • Brew weight 27-36g
    • Brew time 30 seconds

For any help on coffee brewing of all methods i.e. espresso, plunger etc fire an email through to espresso@rocketcoffee.co.nz